Class of 2014 - Heriage High - Lily Harlan

Ok, so prepare yourself, cause Lily is insanely gorgeous!  I have never been more excited to share a session with you guys than I am to share her photos.

Lily is my last senior spokes model from class of 2014.  We got a bit of a late start with her shoot but that's ok.  I think it was well worth the wait. 

So we started the day with hair and makeup, well, sort of.  Hehe.  There was a tiny misunderstanding and Lily and her dad were waiting for my hair and makeup team and I to meet them at the location we were planning to shoot at.  So Krystal (hair), Angela (makeup) and I get to Lily's house and are like, where are they?  I call her up and they have to make the 20 minute drive back to the house.  Oops.  So imagine 3 grown women hanging out on the stairs on the front porch waiting for them to arrive.  We must have looked pretty funny.  It kind of felt like the old days before the internet and smart phones were a big deal. lol.

Anyways, we finally got Lily all beautified, like she needed it, and we head out to Heritage.  Lily wanted a field of flowers and that's just hard to come by, so we found a field of golden rods right next to her high school.  We get there only to find that they cut the field down the day before.  But luckily there was a tiny field left and I used that to my full advantage. :)

We finished Lily's session up at Prater's Mill & she even let me put some purple in her hair for her last outfit!  I LOVE it!

Lily and her dad are so awesome.  I'm so happy they are now part of the LDP family!

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